Dec 9, 2006


Estar aca me habia hecho olvidar lo que era navegar en la blogsfera y paseando por ahi me tope con el blog de una panita que tenia este regalito.

“At the end for the day, all that we want is to be close to somebody….. so, this things where we all keep our distance and pretend don’t to care about each other is a load of bull (shit)… so we pick and choose who we want to remain close to…. And once we’ve chosen those people….. we tend to stick close by, no matter how hard we hurt them…. The people that are still with you are the end of the day, those are the one worth keeping… Sure sometime close, can be too close….but sometimes that invasion of personal space it can be exactly what you need”


Todavia tengo moretones en mi interior por la caida y cada noche antes de dormir no puedo evitar pensar en ti. No deberia gastar mis neuronas en ti, pero con el pasar del tiempo te pienso menos.

Al final del dia el dolor no importa, solo importa si fuiste feliz.

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